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Nove: Liquid Soap Dish Brush

This liquid soap brush gives you simple, no mess soap dispensing in the palm of your hand, with the press of a button.

This brush is small and ideal to sit on any kitchen bench, so it's always at hand to clean dishes.

The durable nylon bristles hold their shape and will easily scrub away food, stains and dirt and its safe for use on any non-stick surfaces.

Nove Liquid Soap Dish Brush
Grouped product items
Item Qty required

Nove: Liquid Soap Brush

SKU 43550
  • Pack Size : 1 Brush
In stock with BCS Foodpak

Nove: Liquid Soap Brush

SKU 9421903435507
  • Pack Size : Carton (12 Brushes)
In stock with BCS Foodpak

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